We finally have our design and supplier for our 2011 Great Strides T-Shirts!! I love them. We were all over the place trying to decide if we wanted something serious or humorous or with a lot of info on it or what, but in the end, the it turned out to be just what I was looking for. If you haven't already registered to walk with us and are planning on joining one of our walks,
please go online and register or I cannot guarantee that there will be a t-shirt available for you. All walkers who are registered to walk with us and who are raising money will receive a t-shirt compliments of us. If you want to walk but do not want to raise money, you can purchase a t-shirt for $12. If you simply want to buy a t-shirt, they are available for purchase on the left-hand side of this page. Hope many of you will join us as we walk on May 21st here in Cincinnati!